5 tips to boost testosterone levels

Testosterone is a male sex hormone that is important for the proper functioning of the body. Unfortunately, many men are plagued by its decline and related health problems. Here are 5 tips on how to increase testosterone levels naturally and effectively.

Let's start by clarifying why testosterone is important in the first place. Testosterone is a key hormone that is essential for overall health and well-being. While it is usually associated with the male body, it is also important in certain amounts for women.

What is testosterone useful for?

  • Promoting muscle mass and strength - We can think of testosterone as a personal trainer that helps our muscles grow and become stronger. It helps to increase the body's protein synthesis, which is important for muscle growth and recovery. This can make the workout more effective and in addition, faster recovery will occur.

  • Fat Burner - This hormone helps the body burn fat more efficiently and maintain a healthy body weight.

  • Bone health - It is important for maintaining healthy bone mass. It helps to increase bone density and thus bone strength. Testosterone deficiency can lead to weakening bones and increased risk of fractures.

  • Sexual function - Testosterone also plays a key role in sexual health. It affects sexual desire, libido and sexual function.

  • Mood and energy - Testosterone affects mood and cognitive function. Healthy testosterone levels can contribute to better mental health, increased energy and improved concentration. Conversely, low testosterone levels may be associated with anxiety, depression, and decreased cognitive function.

Overall, healthy testosterone levels contribute to an improved quality of life. Maintaining optimal levels of this hormone is important, and if testosterone levels are low, you may experience risks and also unpleasant symptoms of being deficient in this hormone.

How to increase testosterone levels?

1. Healthy diet

Reduced testosterone levels are also manifested by obesity or overweight. Therefore, it is important to focus on your diet, which should include healthy fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Conversely, it is a good idea to avoid simple sugars. It is also useful to watch your calorie intake, as overeating reduces testosterone levels.

In relation to diet, adherence to a drinking regime is also important. It is ideal to drink at least 2 litres of water, preferably avoiding sweetened drinks. Outside of sweetened drinks, it's also a good idea to watch out for caffeine. Caffeine is known to increase the production of cortisol, which suppresses testosterone production in the body. However, caffeine is an exception and is most often taken in the form of black coffee before a workout. In this case, testosterone production can increase by 15 to 19%.

2. Regular exercise

Physical activity is a great way to increase the level of this hormone. Strength-oriented training is one of the proven methods to effectively increase testosterone levels in the short term. Exercise increases muscle mass and stimulates hormone production. Try incorporating regular weight training into your routine, as well as interval training such as sprints or circuit training.

3. Quality sleep 

Sleep is essential, and getting enough quality sleep is crucial for hormonal balance. It is during sleep that regeneration takes place. Lack of sleep can negatively affect hormonal balance. It is important to follow a regular sleep schedule and avoid blue light at bedtime. Blue light from electronic devices can interfere with melatonin production and thus the quality of sleep.

4. Stress reduction

Stress can be insidious and can also mess with hormonal balance. If you're feeling stressed, again, the cortisol production we've already mentioned increases and this has a negative effect on testosterone levels. So try to slow down a bit and give yourself plenty of rest and relaxation. The best option is to avoid stressful situations as much as possible.

5. Natural supplements

If you find that you can't get all the substances you need from food, it's ideal to include supplementation in your regime. Natural dietary supplements can be a great tool to help you boost your testosterone levels. Three popular supplements include:

Tribulus Terrestris, or ground anemone, is specific for its abilities, which primarily include boosting testosterone levels and supporting hormone balance. NutriMax Tribulus contains 2,000 mg of St. John's Wort extract per tablet, with 40% being saponins. Saponins are powerful natural compounds that support the immune system, have the ability to improve digestion, and have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

Shilajit is a natural mineral complex that is often used in traditional Indian medicine and has a rich history. It is unique for its fascinating properties and contains more than 84 minerals and trace elements including magnesium, zinc, iron etc. It is considered to promote energy levels and overall health.

Tongkat Ali or Malaysian Ginseng is a natural herbal supplement originating from the advantageous Asia, which is known for its potential abilities to increase testosterone levels and improve sexual function. It has also earned the nickname "Asian Viagra" due to its reputed properties. It is one of the most popular aphrodisiacs.