Are you considering a canna extract? Here's why it's worth it

Kanna extract is the most popular form of using kanna. It is a concentrated extract from the plant Sceletium tortuosum, which originates from South Africa. Let's discuss why it is worth considering.

Introduction to Kanna

To start, it's good to know what kanna is and where it comes from. Kanna, also known as Sceletium tortuosum, is a succulent herb native to South Africa. It has been a part of African indigenous traditions, used in rituals and primarily as a natural remedy. It reached Western civilization in the early 17th century, when it was recorded by Dutch explorer and trader Jan van Riebeeck. This discovery led to further study and expanded knowledge about this plant called kanna.

Benefits of Kanna Extract

Kanna extract is known for its potent effects and is popular for its intense benefits, including:

  • Mood Improvement: One of the main benefits of kanna extract is its positive impact on mood. Kanna is generally effective in enhancing overall mental well-being and provides a sense of well-being due to its antidepressant effects, which can help in combating depression. Kanna contains natural alkaloids, particularly mesembrine, mesembrenone, and mesembrenol. These alkaloids are key to the effects of this plant and act as natural antidepressants.

  • Reduction of Anxiety, Stress, and Nervousness: Thanks to its calming effects, kanna can also bring tranquility and help manage stress and anxiety or reduce states of nervousness. The positive aspect is that it is a natural herb, meaning it avoids chemical side effects.

  • Cognitive Performance Enhancement: Some studies suggest that kanna may improve cognitive functions, such as memory and concentration. User experiences indicate that kanna can help with better focus and information processing, which can be a significant benefit in today’s world.

Why a concentration 10:1 is best?

A 10:1 concentration means that the extract is 10 times more concentrated than the original plant, meaning that one gram of extract is made from ten grams of plant material. This concentration is considered a golden mean, providing a balanced ratio of effectiveness and safety. Higher concentrations can be too intense, while lower ones might not achieve the desired effects. A 10:1 concentration is strong enough to be effective but not so potent as to cause unpleasant side effects. Thus, it is ideal because you can enjoy all the benefits of kanna extract without worrying about adverse effects.

How to Use Kanna Extract Properly?

Using kanna extract can be easy and enjoyable if you know how. Here are some tips on how to start and what to watch out for.

The way we use it is crucial and it is up to us which way suits us best. There are several ways you can use kanna extract:

Oral Use (Swallowing)

The simplest method is to take a small amount directly into your mouth, for example, by mixing kanna extract into water or juice for better taste. It is always good to start with a smaller dose and gradually increase it to find what works best for you and avoid unwanted effects.


This method allows for faster onset of effects. Therefore, snorting can lead to intense effects, so it’s better to be cautious. It is always better to start with smaller doses.


This method harks back to traditional kanna use and can also incorporate kanna extract. Simply mix the extract with hot water and flavor as desired, for example, with honey or lemon. This method is relaxing and can provide a long-lasting sense of relaxation.


Apart from the extract, there is also a fine powder known as “ground” kanna. Kanna powder is dosed at 0.5 to 1 gram daily and can be mixed in a small glass of water. Initially, 0.5 grams is considered an optimal dose, which can be gradually increased based on tolerance and user experience. This method offers a mild euphoric effect as well as stress and nervousness reduction.

Is Kanna Extract Worth It?

Kanna extract is a great alternative to synthetic medications since it is a natural product that offers numerous benefits for our body and mind. It can be very useful for people suffering from mild to moderate anxiety, stress, or for those looking to improve their mood and relax. The answer is yes, kanna extract is definitely worth trying. Many users praise kanna, describing it as a gentle but effective aid for mental well-being.