BCAA: What is it and what are its effects? A complete guide

If you're involved in the world of fitness or sports, you've probably heard the term BCAA. But what exactly are they, and why are these three letters so important for your body? Let’s break it down from the beginning.

What are BCAA and why should you care?

BCAA stands for Branched Chain Amino Acids. It is a combination of three essential amino acids, which include leucine, isoleucine and valine. These amino acids have earned the name essential because our body cannot produce them on its own, meaning that we have to supplement them and there is no other option but to take them in the diet or supplements.

The three key amino acids in BCAA

As mentioned BCAA is a combination of three essential amino acids. Let's take a look at them a bit more and tell what they are all about:

1. Leucine

Leucine is the most important amino acid of the three amino acids mentioned above. Leucine can be found in many sports nutrition products, and it's not just that. According to studies, leucine is the most effective activator of muscle protein formation. It is the most powerful anabolic amino acid that helps stimulate insulin, which is especially important after a workout. In addition, it promotes muscle growth, improving performance while helping to burn fat. It is mostly found in meat, milk, eggs or fish. From plant sources, it is paddy rice, soy, apples, blueberries, pears, peanuts, etc. However, plant-based diets are poor in leucine, so it is sometimes necessary to obtain it through supplements.

2. Isoleucine

Isoleucine plays a key role in muscle recovery and increased energy. Unlike leucine, isoleucine is more focused on supplying energy to the muscles and regulating blood sugar levels. Its ability to increase the utilization of the blood stream, or glucose, and thus energy delivery to the muscles during athletic performance is unique. It also helps improve the flow of oxygen in the body, which means better endurance during exercise. Isoleucine is also a great aid for recovery after physical exertion as it supports the healing process of muscle fibers.

3. Valine

Valine is the third member of the BCAA family and plays an important role in supporting energy metabolism. It helps prevent fatigue during training by providing enough energy for the muscles. Valine is said to be an essential amino acid for healthy thinking and strength. Valine also aids in maintaining nitrogen balance in the body, which is important for proper muscle growth.

What are the benefits of BCAA?

  • Support muscle growth: BCAAs, especially leucine, play a key role in muscle protein synthesis. Simply put, when you exercise, your muscles need a sufficient supply of amino acids to grow and regenerate. When you have enough BCAAs in your body, it improves your body's ability to build muscle mass. That's why bigger muscles are also the most common motivation for taking BCAAs among bodybuilders, bodybuilders, or even regular gym goers.

  • Speed up recovery: Intense training can cause microscopic damage to muscle fibers. BCAAs help the body repair these tiny "tears" faster, so you feel less sore and can get back to training sooner.

  • Reduce muscle fatigue: Who doesn't know that feeling when you can barely get out of bed after a hard workout? BCAAs can help alleviate this condition. Due to their intake, the production of serotonin, a hormone associated with feelings of fatigue, is reduced. The result? You'll last longer and train harder.

  • Preserve muscle mass during dieting: If you're trying to lose weight and are cutting calories, your body might break down muscle for energy. BCAAs can help protect muscle tissue from this breakdown during periods of calorie restriction.

  • Improve performance: Some studies suggest that BCAAs may boost performance by providing quick energy to muscles, helping to increase strength, endurance, and resilience during exercise.

Who should consider taking BCAA?

The advantage of BCAA is the fact that it is suitable for a wide range of people. BCAAs are suitable for long term physically demanding activity or even for a single strength load. Whether it is a bodybuilder, an endurance runner or just someone who wants to strengthen their muscle mass and improve recovery. Everyone can appreciate the unique effects of BCAAs. In strength training, they are useful for protecting muscle mass and reducing muscle weight. Runners and cyclists, in turn, will appreciate delaying muscle fatigue and the effects of BCAAs will also be appreciated by those on a weight loss diet. There is a simple equation, i.e. the more BCAAs you take in, the less prone you are to obesity. This supplement is simply unique and everyone should give it a try and buy it.

Dosage - how to take BCAA correctly

BCAAs are ideal to use half an hour before training for muscle protection and energy. It is also suitable to use immediately after to support recovery processes. As for the dosage, it can be calculated according to your weight or sport and specific activity. The minimum dose of BCAAs is listed at 90 mg/kg, and can be increased up to 300 mg/kg for long-term diets. In general, the most common dosage is around 5 to 10 grams before, during or immediately after training. Some athletes also take BCAAs between meals to promote overall recovery and prevent catabolism.

There are BCAAs on the market in various forms. Most often, you will come across powders or tablets, but there are even chewables.

BCAAs in powder form: NutriMax 2:1:1 BCAA is a unique BCAA supplement that is easily soluble in water, making it quick and convenient to take BCAAs. The three essential amino acids - leucine, isoleucine and valine are in a 2:1:1 ratio, which is the ideal combination to support muscle recovery and matches their natural occurrence in muscle. In addition, it is a sugar and aspartame free supplement, making it suitable for diets and healthy lifestyles.


BCAAs in tablet form: NutriMax BCAA 2:1:1 + B6 also offers the optimal amino acid composition in a 2:1:1 ratio. Thanks to the tablet form, these BCAAs are easy to consume and thus represent an effective way to supply your body with the necessary amino acids to support muscle recovery and protection. This supplement also contains vitamin B6, which helps to reduce fatigue and supports proper nervous system function.


Final thoughts: Should you buy BCAA?

If you're looking to improve performance, boost recovery and protect muscle mass, BCAAs are a great tool in your arsenal. For maximum results, however, it's a good idea to make sure you have an overall balance of diet and lifestyle. So is it worth buying BCAAs? The answer is yes! Whether you incorporate them into your routine in the form of supplements or watch your intake from food, your body will thank you for it.