Cannabis vs. marijuana

Hemp is becoming more well-known and CBD products in particular more popular. But CBD and its effects are also related to the term THC. Have you heard of it? What are the differences between these substances and what happens when they are combined?

Cannabis vs. marijuana

If you've been around the cannabis world for a while, or at least partially, you've probably heard the term cannabis or marijuana. These terms are often used interchangeably, but it's important to note that they are not the same thing.

The main difference between these terms is the THC content. The term cannabis is used to refer to cannabis with a THC content of up to 1%. Until 2021, the THC content was set at 0.3%. This is so-called technical hemp, which is not psychoactive. According to Government Regulation No 463/2013 Coll. on the lists of addictive substances, technical cannabis refers to a registered variety in which the proportion of psychoactive THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) does not exceed 1 % of the dry weight of the plant. It is important that the harvested hemp does not exceed this level. If it does, this cannabis is already classified as a drug and is classified as marijuana.

In legal terms, cannabis that contains more than 1 % THC by dry weight is therefore 'marijuana'. It is well known among people that cannabis is the cannabis that can be psychoactive. Hence its other nicknames such as 'weed', 'weed', etc. However, marijuana is not legal and freely available for use.

In practice, we can imagine that all CBD products that contain THC or no THC at all are made from industrial hemp, not marijuana.

CBD and THC are similar?

To some extent, these substances have a lot in common. This concerns in particular their chemical structure. Both substances consist of 21 carbon atoms, 3 hydrogen atoms and 2 oxygen atoms. However, the arrangement of these atoms is different in each substance, which is why THC and CBD affect the human body and mind differently.

Effects of CBD

CBD is a substance that has yet to be researched, but already some of its health benefits have been scientifically proven and it has beneficial medical applications. This cannabis can help treat various health problems such as epilepsy, Parkinson's disease and even cancer.

Due to the structure of this substance, it can bring us a number of positive effects such as:

  • Improving the quality of sleep: Sleep quality is also related to making it easier to fall asleep and because of this, CBD can help us with insomnia.

  • Pain reduction: CBD can be a huge benefit for people suffering from chronic pain.

  • Help with skin problems (acne, eczema, dry skin)

  • Relief from inflammatory diseases

  • Mental health support: CBD can be an effective remedy for depression, anxiety and nervousness. It is also a great help in treating ADHD and autism.

The combination of CBD and THC

Many of the side effects that can be encountered when using THC are counteracted when it is combined with CBD. Some of the side effects of THC include red eyes, altered perception of space and time, slowed reactions, and anxiety. The low THC content, on the other hand, can enhance the effect of CBD, making it an interesting and beneficial combination.

THC binds to CB1 receptors, i.e. THC is what causes the feeling of euphoria. CBD, on the other hand, hardly binds to this receptor at all. When these substances are combined, the receptors to which THC and CBD respond are therefore altered. This results in CBD and THC having antidepressant effects, which can also be a benefit against anxiety.


CBD has been proven to have a positive effect, both on the psyche and the physical part of our bodies. Therefore, cannabis should stop being considered a drug and, in this context, should also stop being compared to marijuana. CBD does not give us a 'high' like THC, but it does give us a number of health benefits. Therefore, it is wise to look at the studies that have backed up the benefits and effects of cannabis to get a definitive view of the difference between cannabis and marijuana.