How to choose quality dietary supplements for hair

When we talk about beautiful and healthy hair, we mean more than just shine and volume. It’s important to care for hair externally, but also from within. If you feel that your hair is losing its shine, falling out, or simply not healthy, it's time to change your care routine and give your hair something extra. Hair cosmetics alone might not be enough. When choosing quality hair supplements, it's essential to consider a few key factors that can influence the effectiveness and safety of the product.


One of the most important factors is the composition itself and what the supplement offers. Different supplements can have different compositions, effects, and, most importantly, quality. It’s important to look at the product's contents and see if they match what your hair needs. Everything is connected. Of course, finding the right supplement for healthy hair is essential, but without basic vitamins and minerals, the results won’t be effective. Before considering a specialized hair supplement, it's crucial to determine what your body is lacking. This ensures effectiveness and, more importantly, that you achieve healthy hair without issues.

Product Form

The choice of product form depends on your preference and what suits you best. Nowadays, you can find supplements in various forms, such as powders that can be easily mixed with beverages and often have a higher concentration of active ingredients. There are also capsules or tablets, which are easy to dose and convenient for travel. You may also encounter liquids, which can provide faster absorption but may not always be pleasant in taste. Each form has its pros and cons, and it's up to you to choose your preference.

Reviews and Recommendations

Another step in selecting a quality hair supplement can be the experiences of other users. However, it’s important to verify reviews. They can help if you're unsure between several supplements and assist in choosing the ideal one.

Collagen and Hair

When it comes to recommendations, let’s mention a quality supplement, so you don't have to spend time searching and verifying. Collagen is currently popular in the beauty and health industry. Why are so many people excited about collagen, and how can it affect hair health?

Collagen is a building block for many parts of our body and holds our body together. It’s the primary structural protein and the most abundant protein in the human body, making up 30% of all proteins in the body and can be found almost everywhere.

The human body can produce collagen on its own, but as we age, collagen production decreases. How does this manifest? As mentioned, collagen literally holds our body together, and we can think of it as glue. With decreasing collagen production, aging occurs in all areas, whether it's wrinkles or weak joints. However, collagen isn’t just beneficial for the skin and joints; it’s also crucial for healthy hair.

Collagen = Healthy Hair

  • Supporting Structure: Just as collagen is the foundation for the skin, it is also the foundation for hair, including the scalp, where hair follicles are located. A healthy and strong scalp is crucial for healthy hair growth because it provides the necessary structure and strength for new hair to grow.

  • Supporting Keratin Production: Keratin is the protein that makes up most of the hair’s structure. Higher levels of collagen can contribute to better-quality keratin, which is reflected in stronger and shinier hair.

  • Protection from Harmful Effects: Collagen also has antioxidant properties, meaning it can help protect hair from environmental damage, such as UV radiation or pollution. By reducing oxidative stress, collagen can help protect hair from damage.

  • Hydration and Elasticity: Collagen helps maintain moisture in the scalp, which is important for preventing dryness and hair breakage. Due to its moisture-retaining ability, it helps improve the elasticity and flexibility of the hair.

  • Supporting Blood Circulation: When the scalp is healthy and well-circulated, the hair receives all the necessary nutrients. Collagen also supports healthy blood vessels, ensuring that hair gets everything it needs.


It’s important to remember that taking supplements alone won’t save your hair. It’s crucial to provide external care for your hair and incorporate the right steps into your routine. However, by combining a healthy routine with quality hair supplements, you can achieve amazing results. Collagen is among the quality supplements that benefit not only your hair but also your skin and overall health. Therefore, it’s certainly worth considering including it in your daily routine.