How to lucid dream?

Imagine you are in the middle of a dream, maybe flying over a beautiful landscape, and suddenly you realize that you are dreaming. At that moment, you understand that you can do anything – from flying to time travel or meeting your favorite movie characters. Welcome to the world of lucid dreaming, where almost anything is possible, and the only limit is your imagination.

What is lucid dreaming?

Lucid dreaming, or awareness dreaming, is a dream in which a person realizes that they are dreaming. This means that you can consciously control the course of the dream. It’s not magic; rather, it’s a skill that almost anyone can develop. This ability allows you to experience dreams more intensely, try new things, and even solve problems from real life.

The state of lucid dreaming according to studies can be experienced by up to 70% of people, but it requires proper training, positive energy, and a lot of patience. Sometimes, a little luck is all it takes, and you can find yourself in lucid dreaming by chance.

Types of lucid dreaming

There are two ways to enter lucid dreaming:

  • DILD (Dream Induced Lucid Dream): This refers to an induced lucid dream in which some element of the dream, behavior, or reaction "in the dream" already indicates after the beginning of the dream that we are dreaming.

  • WILD (Wake Induced Lucid Dream): This type of lucid dreaming is characterized by entering it directly from a waking state.

A guide to lucid dreaming

It may sound like a challenge, but it’s simpler than you think. You just need patience and a willingness to try new things. Here are proven tips on how to enter the world of lucid dreaming and have control over your dream:

1. Dream journal

One of the best tips is to keep a dream journal. Ideally, right after waking up, when you remember dreams the most, write them down immediately. Keep a journal next to your bed and write down everything you remember, including the smallest details. This will improve your memory of dreams and help you recognize when you are dreaming. Many people say they don’t dream, but everyone dreams, and the main reason someone might say they "don’t have dreams" could be due to a poor memory for dreams.

2. Reading and recalling dreams

Try to read your dream journal at least twice a day to remind yourself of your dreams. If you already remember your dreams, you can also play the dream back in your mind. This gives your brain a signal to retain more dreams in memory.

3. CBD

CBD oils can be a huge benefit for your sleep. CBD makes it easier to fall asleep and deepens your sleep. As a result, you have a better chance of having a proper sleep cycle.

4. Blue lotus

This plant known as blue lotus gently stimulates relaxation, improves sleep quality, and supports dream activity. Lucid dreaming with blue lotus can be achieved more easily as it helps to deepen the meditative state and keeps the mind receptive during sleep. Some users report that after consuming blue lotus tea, they experience more vivid and clearer dreams, which is the first step to realizing that you are dreaming.

5. Beware of psychoactive substances

If we want to achieve lucid dreaming, the brain must not be influenced by any psychoactive substance. Especially with larger amounts of alcohol, we do not achieve the correct sleep process, and the brain is more in a state of unconsciousness, where it cannot produce dreams. It is ideal to avoid alcohol, marijuana, or sleeping pills and anything that might disrupt sleep.

6. Reality check

If we have already increased our dream memory and have vivid dreams that we remember, we are close to experiencing lucid dreaming. The reality check is the final step to entering lucid dreaming. It is performed several times a day by simply asking yourself: “Am I dreaming or awake?” Once you ask yourself this question in a dream, the real reality check comes into play. Fortunately, there are several characteristics that are specific to dreams and can help distinguish dreams from reality:

  • Time – you cannot perceive time in a dream. Whether you look at clocks, an alarm clock, or your phone, you won’t know what time it is.
  • Light switches – light switches do not work in dreams.
  • Physical test – if, for example, you do not feel physical contact or pain when pinched, it is very likely that you are dreaming.

Be patient and open to new experiences

Lucid dreaming requires time and training, but it’s worth it. A combination of techniques, such as keeping a dream journal and utilizing blue lotus, can accelerate your journey to conscious dreams. Once you wake up in the middle of a dream and realize that you are its master, it will be an experience you won’t forget!