How to make Matcha Latte?

Nowadays, it is popular or sometimes even desirable to boost your energy. Most of us automatically reach for coffee, which has become a common part of everyday life. But what if there is a different and more natural way to give your body energy while also supporting it with something extra?

What is matcha?

Matcha is a special type of green tea originating from Japan. What makes matcha unique is that it is consumed whole, meaning your body receives all the nutrients that tea leaves contain.

A natural and healthy alternative to coffee

Matcha also contains L-theanine, an amino acid that promotes relaxation and calming of the mind, while caffeine provides a gradual and long-lasting energy boost. This balanced effect makes this superfood a popular choice for those looking for focus and energy without the typical "crash" after coffee. Coffee quickly stimulates the nervous system, resulting in sudden waves of energy and alertness, but it can also cause nervousness or an increased heart rate. Matcha, thanks to the combination of L-theanine and caffeine, acts more gently, providing long-term concentration without stress. Moreover, matcha contains more antioxidants than coffee, supporting detoxification and may even help with weight management by boosting the metabolism.

Why drink Matcha Latte?

Matcha is more than just a popular green beverage. It is a true superfood with numerous positive effects on both the body and mind. Since it is consumed in the form of a powder made from whole tea leaves, the body receives a much higher concentration of nutrients compared to regular green tea. Here are some of the most important benefits:

  • Matcha is rich in antioxidants: As mentioned before, matcha is famous for its impressive antioxidant content. Among these antioxidants are catechins, which help neutralize free radicals in the body.

  • Gradual energy release: The main difference between Matcha Latte and coffee is how matcha affects energy. Coffee gives a quick boost followed by a crash, whereas matcha provides long-lasting and stable energy.

  • Boosts metabolism and supports weight loss: Studies suggest that matcha can help with weight loss by speeding up the metabolism and supporting fat burning. The catechins in matcha increase fat oxidation during exercise and can contribute to better weight control.

  • More smiles and less stress: Thanks to L-theanine, matcha can positively influence mood and help reduce stress.

  • Detoxification: The way this miraculous plant is grown in the shade increases its chlorophyll content, which supports the body's natural detoxification processes. Chlorophyll helps the body eliminate heavy metals, toxins, and chemicals, contributing to overall regeneration and improved vitality.

Making Matcha Latte

1. Preparing matcha

Place one teaspoon of matcha powder in a small bowl or cup. Add 60 ml of hot water. The water should never be boiling to avoid losing nutrients. The ideal water temperature is around 80°C. Now it's up to you how you whisk it. You can choose the traditional method with a bamboo whisk, using fast movements. Alternatively, an electric frother will do the job just fine.

2. Heating the milk

While the matcha is being whisked, it's time to heat the milk. You can do this simply on the stove or in the microwave. If you have a milk frother, you can create a beautifully frothy foam, adding a luxurious look and taste to your Matcha Latte.

3. Taste

Matcha has a more earthy taste, and not everyone may enjoy pure matcha on its own. If you prefer sweeter drinks, simply add some honey, syrup, or your favorite sweetener to the milk or directly into the prepared Matcha Latte. A great addition is vanilla extract, which enhances the flavor of Matcha Latte and makes anyone fall in love with this drink.

4. Bringing it all together

Now just pour the whisked matcha into your favorite glass or cup and slowly add the frothed milk. You can garnish the Matcha Latte with a pinch of cinnamon. In the summer months, Matcha Latte can also be served as an Iced Matcha Latte, perfect for cooling you down.

Final tips

  • Quality is key – It is important to choose high-quality matcha powder to maximize the benefits and let your body enjoy all the advantages that matcha offers.

  • Water temperature – The ideal temperature is 80°C, never boiling. If you're making Iced Matcha Latte, cold or lukewarm water will do.

  • Experiment with milk – Different kinds of milk give Matcha Latte varying flavors and textures. For example, almond milk is light and mild, oat milk adds creaminess, and coconut milk gives an exotic flavor.