Kanna: a natural miracle for your good mood

Do you ever feel low on energy, moodless, or even on the brink of depression? Before turning to pharmaceutical remedies, try a natural solution straight from the stunning African nature - Kanna.

Kanna, also known as Sceletium tortuosum, is a plant native to southern Africa, valued for its uplifting and antidepressant effects. This "African miracle" can help you overcome communication barriers, dispel gloomy thoughts, and provide you with the necessary energy.

What makes Kanna so special? This plant contains active ingredients that can positively influence your mood and emotional balance. It's a natural and gentler alternative to conventional antidepressants, without the unpleasant side effects often associated with pharmaceutical products.

Nature offers us many gifts, and Kanna is one of them. Its ability to uplift mood and enhance mental well-being has been known for centuries. Whether you opt for Kanna tea, extract, or capsules, it's always important to choose a quality product and respect the recommended dosage.

Before using Kanna or any other natural supplement, it's important to consult with a doctor, especially if you're taking other medications or have health issues.

Join those who have already discovered this natural path to mood improvement. Discover the power of Kanna - a natural way to enhance your day.



From southern Africa comes a small shrub with a rich history that unveils the secrets of cultural heritage.

Kanna, also known as Sceletium tortuosum, is a small shrub native to southern Africa, whose history and uses are as fascinating as the plant itself. Although there are indications that Kanna has been used since prehistoric times, the evidence is not entirely confirmed. Therefore, we will stick to verified historical facts that will take us back to the time of African tribes, the Hottentots, and the Khoikhoi.

These tribes valued Kanna primarily for its practical use. During long hunting expeditions, they chewed Kanna to ward off hunger and thirst. This small plant also helped them stay alert, which was crucial for successful hunting. However, Kanna was not just a practical helper. It became part of traditional ceremonies, magical rituals, and was used in traditional healing.

Kanna gained wider recognition in 1662 when Dutch merchant and explorer Jan van Riebeeck traveled through Africa. Van Riebeeck noticed that local tribes were constantly chewing something and seemed to be in good spirits. Upon further investigation, he discovered that it was the Kanna shrub and described its effects. This discovery brought Kanna to the attention of Western civilization.

During the 19th century, the first active compounds were isolated from Kanna, and during the 20th century, the plant became the subject of scientific research. Currently, Kanna is available in the Republic of South Africa by prescription under the name Zembrin. Whether and when Kanna will reach the European market remains a question. However, its history and use remain a fascinating chapter in the story of folk medicine and scientific inquiry.

What does Kanna look like?

Kanna, also known by its scientific name Sceletium tortuosum, is a typical South African shrub, rarely exceeding 30 centimeters in height. Its flowers are multicolored, ranging from creamy white, yellow, orange to pink. Kanna leaves are green, robust, and reach a maximum width of five centimeters.

This plant has several remarkable features. The first is its appearance when dried, resembling a human skeleton, which is reflected in its Latin name Sceletium. This phenomenon naturally suggests its possible health benefits. Local names like channa and kougoed, meaning "chew" or "chewing gum," refer to the traditional way of consuming the plant.

Kanna is a plant specific to certain areas, occurring almost exclusively in the Republic of South Africa, especially around Cape Town, explaining the nickname of this area "kannaland." There is a gradual decline in freely growing specimens, leading to attempts to plant it in other parts of South Africa and neighboring countries. However, due to Kanna's sensitivity to environmental changes, these attempts have not been successful. As a result, plantations and nurseries have been established around Cape Town where Kanna is cultivated artificially to ensure its availability.

And what are the effects of Kanna?

Kanna, also known as Sceletium tortuosum, is a natural plant that offers a range of positive effects on the human body, especially on the psyche and nervous system. Its effects include:

  • Mood enhancement: Kanna is effective in improving overall mental state, providing a sense of well-being, and helping combat depression.
  • Reduction of anxiety and stress: Taking Kanna helps reduce feelings of anxiety, stress, and tension, which has a beneficial effect on mental balance.
  • Support of the nervous system: Kanna is beneficial for excessive mental and physical stress and contributes to the regeneration of the nervous system after exhaustion.
  • Social relaxation and communicativeness: Individuals using Kanna often experience reduced social barriers, are more open to communication, relaxed, and friendly. In addition, at lower doses, Kanna promotes communicativeness and a friendly approach, while at higher doses, it can induce feelings of euphoria. It is important to note that despite these positive effects, excessive use of Kanna can lead to fatigue and drowsiness.

An interesting aspect of Kanna is that although it provides these uplifting effects, it is not a drug in the traditional sense. It does not cause addiction or hallucinations and can be considered a safe and gentle alternative to some pharmaceutical preparations.

Kanna thus offers a comprehensive approach to supporting mental health and well-being and is a suitable supplement for those seeking a natural way to improve their mental state without the risk of addiction or serious side effects.

What does Kanna contain?

The main reason why Kanna (Sceletium tortuosum) has such positive effects on the human body is its rich composition of alkaloids. Key alkaloids contained in Kanna include:

Mesembrine and its derivatives: These substances are known for their ability to increase serotonin levels in the brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays a key role in regulating mood and feelings of well-being. Increasing its levels leads to a feeling of calmness and can significantly contribute to reducing stress. Other alkaloids: Mesembrenone, mesembrenol, and tortuosamine, which also contribute to the therapeutic effects of Kanna. Scientific studies and research confirm that the alkaloids contained in Kanna may be more effective than some traditional chemical antidepressants, such as Imipramine or Serex. Therefore, Kanna appears to be a natural alternative for the treatment of depression and anxiety disorders.

Will the South African shrub reach our pharmacies?

Kanna is increasingly recognized and used beyond the borders of its origin, the Republic of South Africa. Several key moments in the history of Kanna include:

Recognition and distribution in the Republic of South Africa: After research by Professor of Botany Ben-Erik van Wyk, which confirmed the safety and independence of Kanna, the pharmaceutical company HGH Pharmaceuticals obtained a license to sell Kanna under the name Zembrin in 2012. Expansion into the American market: The American pharmaceutical company P.L. Thomas & Co. collaborated with HGH Pharmaceuticals, indicating that Kanna could soon find its place in the American market. It is therefore only a matter of time before Kanna becomes a commonly available supplement in pharmacies worldwide, including potential expansion into European markets.

How to properly use Kanna?

Kanna, in various forms, provides flexible usage options according to individual needs and preferences. It is important to follow the recommended dosage and be aware of possible interactions and contraindications.

Here are the recommended methods of use:


Dosage: For a mild euphoric effect and reduction of stress and nervousness, the optimal dose is 0.5 grams once a day. Experienced users can increase the dose to 1 gram. Preparation: Mix the dose in a glass of water and drink it.

Crushed Herb

Dosage: For the same effects as powder, the recommended dose is 0.5 to 1 gram once a day. Preparation: Pour the herb into hot water, boil it, and then strain it.


Dosage: For a mild euphoric effect and stress reduction, a suitable dose is 0.3 grams once a day. After prolonged use, the dose can be increased, but up to a maximum of 1 gram per day.

Preparation: Mix the dose in water and drink it. Important Notice

Kanna is an MAOI inhibitor, so it is necessary to avoid combining it with alcohol, certain antidepressants, and certain plants. It is not suitable for children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, elderly people, and individuals with cardiovascular problems. Failure to comply with the recommended dosage may result in adverse effects such as increased heart rate, sweating, or gastrointestinal problems. It is always important to consider individual health status and consult possible risks and benefits with a health professional before starting to use Kanna.

What to watch out for while using Kanna?

When using Kanna, it is important to be aware of several key safety aspects and possible risks:

Interactions with Other Substances

MAOI inhibitor: Since Kanna acts as a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI), it is essential to avoid combining it with alcohol, certain antidepressants, and certain plants such as Peganum harmala, Passioflora incarnata, and Yohimbe. These combinations can lead to dangerous interactions.


Specific groups: Kanna should not be taken by children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, elderly people, and individuals with cardiovascular problems. For these groups, taking Kanna may be associated with a higher risk of adverse effects or complications. Possible

Adverse Effects

Reaction to excessive dosage: Failure to comply with the recommended dosage may lead to adverse effects such as increased heart rate, sweating, vomiting, diarrhea, or accelerated breathing. These effects indicate overdose or improper body reaction.

Recommendations for Use

Regular interruption of use: After regular use of Kanna for at least one month, it is recommended to interrupt the course to prevent potential habituation to the effects of the plant and assess its long-term effects on the body. Before starting to use Kanna, it is important to consult a health professional about the plan and possible risks, especially if you are taking other medications or have health problems. It is always better to be cautious and informed to avoid adverse complications.