Kratom withdrawal: the secrets no one will tell you

Have you ever wondered what it's like to stop taking kratom? This article will reveal the unpleasant truths and hidden challenges associated with quitting this substance. If you are taking kratom or considering trying it, read on to find out what to expect.

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Withdrawal symptoms after discontinuation of kratom

Increasingly popular in our country, kratom is used to aid in relaxation and coping with the demands of daily life. People take it to relieve pain, anxiety and depression, or in place of opiates. But if taken incorrectly or for too long, it can cause problems.

Physical symptoms

Unpleasant physical symptoms can occur with prolonged and excessive use. These include:

  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Sweating and chills

However, milder symptoms are much more common. With normal use (e.g. 10 g per day - depends on the individual), milder symptoms may occur such as:

  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia

Mental symptoms

Psychological symptoms can also occur with improper use:

  • Anxiety and depression: psychological problems may return.
  • Irritability: more irritability and less patience.
  • Inability to concentrate: problems with concentration.
  • Craving for kratom: Strong urge to use kratom again.

How to avoid problems

There are several tips for avoiding problems with kratom.

The first step is to gradually reduce the dose, which is much more effective and safer than stopping use abruptly. Hydration also plays an important role, so it is essential to drink plenty of fluids. A healthy and balanced diet contributes to an overall improvement in health. In case you are struggling with a strong addiction, it is best to seek professional help. A professional can give you the support you need and guide you on the road to recovery.

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Duration of withdrawal symptoms

The duration of kratom withdrawal symptoms can vary depending on individual factors such as:

  • Duration and severity of kratom use: The longer and in larger doses you take kratom, the more severe and longer the withdrawal symptoms are likely to be.
  • Method of kratom use: Suddenly stopping kratom after long-term use is likely to lead to more severe withdrawal symptoms than gradually reducing the dose.
  • General health: People with other health problems may experience more severe withdrawal symptoms when stopping kratom.
  • Individual sensitivity: Some people are simply more sensitive to withdrawal symptoms than others.

In general, kratom withdrawal symptoms can be divided into three phases:

  • Acute phase: This phase usually lasts 2-4 days and includes the most severe symptoms such as anxiety, insomnia, sweating, shivering, chills, muscle and joint pain, nausea, diarrhea, and yawning.
  • Subacute phase: This phase usually lasts 1-2 weeks and includes the milder symptoms of the acute phase.
  • Post-acute phase: This phase can last weeks to months and includes mild symptoms such as fatigue, irritability and depression.

It is important to note that this is only a general guide and individual experiences with kratom may vary. If you are concerned about kratom withdrawal symptoms, it is important to talk to a doctor or addiction specialist.

How addictive is kratom?

Kratom is popular for relieving pain, improving mood, and helping with opiate withdrawal. What about its addictiveness? Addiction to kratom is a bit higher for most people than, say, coffee, but lower than the drugs it's often associated with (e.g., on TV news).

Potential for addiction

Kratom can be addictive if taken incorrectly or in too high a dose. With long-term and regular use, addiction can develop. Any substance that affects mood and physical state can cause addiction.

Safe use

How to minimise the risk of withdrawal? Proper and judicious use reduces the risk. Here are tips on how to take kratom safely:

  • Dosage: Start with low doses and watch how your body responds. Do not increase doses unnecessarily.
  • Regularity of use: don't use kratom every day. Take breaks between doses.
  • Alternate varieties: Alternating different varieties and colors of kratom (these are the colors of the veins of the leaves) can reduce the risk of tolerance and addiction.

Kratom can be useful for pain management and mood enhancement if taken responsibly. Proper dosage and judicious use will minimize the risk of addiction. The key to safe kratom use is education and caution.

Follow the recommendations and listen to your body to reap the benefits of kratom without serious side effects. Generally kratom addiction is rather mild, but of course a lot depends on how you use it and how carefully you approach it.

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Unique substance outside the classification of food or supplements

Kratom leaves contain alkaloids such as mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine. These substances affect the human brain and body similarly to opiates.

Foods are products that we consume for their nutritional values such as vitamins, minerals and calories. Kratom, however, does not contain any significant amount of these substances. Its main effects are pharmacological, which means that it affects the chemistry of the brain and body. Therefore, kratom is not considered a food but a substance with pharmacological effects.

Dietary supplements supplement our diet with specific nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids or herbs. Although kratom is sold in the form of tablets, powder or tea, it does not meet the criteria of a conventional food supplement. Its main effects are not nutritional but pharmacological.

At the time of publication of this article, kratom is classified as a collector's item. It is not considered a food or a food supplement. The legality of kratom varies from country to country, with kratom being legal in the Czech Republic.


Kratom, although useful for pain management and mood enhancement, can cause severe withdrawal symptoms when used improperly. It is important to note that proper dosage and judicious use can minimize the risk of addiction and withdrawal.

If you decide to stop using kratom, gradual dose reduction and professional help can be key factors in successfully managing withdrawal symptoms. A responsible attitude and awareness are essential for the safe use of this substance.