Spermidine: The Key to Longevity and Cellular Regeneration

We all know that aging is inevitable, but what if we could slow down this process? Not with a magic elixir, but with a substance that our body naturally produces—so-called spermidine. This fascinating polyamine is associated with extending lifespan, supporting cell regeneration, and improving brain function. What exactly is it, where can we find it, and why should we include it in our diet?

What is spermidine, and where can we find it?

Spermidine, also known as Spermidine, is a natural compound that plays a key role in cell regeneration and metabolism. It belongs to the group of polyamines and is present in every cell of our body. However, the bad news is that its levels decrease as we age. This may be one of the reasons why not only we slow down with age, but also our cells.

Fortunately, we can replenish spermidine through our diet. Some of the best natural sources include:

  • Fermented foods – cheeses (especially aged ones), soy products like natto

  • Whole grains – wheat germ, whole grain bread

  • Legumes – lentils, peas, chickpeas

  • Young barley – a natural superfood

  • Fruits and vegetables – broccoli, mushrooms, apples

  • Spirulina and chlorella – these green foods are also great sources, rich in nutrients and proteins.

Remember: The more diverse our diet, the higher the chance of providing the body with enough spermidine to support its essential functions.

Health benefits of spermidine for longevity

Let’s take a look at the health potential spermidine offers.

Supporting autophagy – the body's natural cell cleanup

One of the most significant effects of spermidine is promoting autophagy. This process can be compared to a cellular recycling system, meaning that old, damaged, or non-functional parts are removed and replaced with new ones. This not only leads to more efficient cell function but also contributes to overall better health and longevity.COVID-19 abstract concept vector illustration. Coronavirus worldwide, pandemic, covid-19 victims, infection outbreak, statistics, death toll, emergency state, quarantine measure abstract metaphor.

There was even an interesting study led by a team of virologists from Charité in Berlin, including the famous Christian Drosten. This study dates back to 2020, which might suggest that it was conducted during the pandemic, also known as COVID-19. This team discovered that when this virus infects lung cells, it reduces spermidine levels and disrupts the autophagy process. However, when scientists replenished the cells with spermidine, the viral load decreased by up to 85%.

What does this mean?

Mainly that autophagy is a key process in fighting viral infections, but viruses often manage to "turn it off" to survive. Spermidine then helps restart this process.

The results even showed that spermidine not only helps already infected cells, but when taken preventively, it could reduce viral replication by 70%. This study suggests that spermidine could be an interesting supplement in the fight against viruses in general, not just against COVID.

Support for Brain Function

Nowadays, it is quite well known that the brain is a complex yet sensitive part of our body. The brain is particularly sensitive to oxidative stress and cell damage. Spermidine helps protect nerve cells, supports their regeneration, and may slow down cognitive decline. Some studies even suggest that it may reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.

Slowing Down Aging and Extending Lifespan

And now for the effect you’ve probably been waiting for. Spermidine is associated with longer lifespan. How? Animal studies have shown that spermidine supplementation extends lifespan and improves overall health. Human studies are not yet as conclusive, but evidence suggests that regular spermidine consumption may positively impact longevity and slow down the signs of aging.

DNA Protection

Spermidine can also be seen as an antioxidant that protects DNA from oxidative stress. This oxidative stress can cause DNA damage and contribute to the development of many diseases, including cancer.

How to Include Spermidine in Your Life?

The best way is a diverse diet rich in natural sources of spermidine. However, if you want higher doses or have specific health goals, there are also spermidine supplements available.

No matter how you choose to incorporate it, one thing is certain. And that is the fact that spermidine is a fascinating molecule with huge potential for our health. It may not offer immortality, but it can certainly help us age more slowly and healthily.