What is chlorella and what are its effects

Chlorella is a small but powerful freshwater algae that has been gaining attention due to its rich nutrient content and numerous health benefits. What are these benefits, and what makes Chlorella unique?

Chlorella is a type of single-celled freshwater algae often used as a dietary supplement or classified as a superfood due to its high nutrient content. It originates from Taiwan and Japan, where it has a rich history.

What Makes Chlorella Unique?

As the name suggests, Chlorella has something to do with chlorophyll—it is actually named after it. This is because of its high chlorophyll content, making it the plant with the highest fiber content.

Chlorella also contains:

  • 16 vitamins, 8 minerals, and other essential trace elements such as iron, vitamin B12, magnesium, and calcium.

  • Proteins - Chlorella is an excellent source of protein for muscle recovery and growth.

  • 19 amino acids, including 9 essential amino acids that the body needs and cannot produce on its own.

  • CGF (Chlorella Growth Factor) - a unique nutrient complex that not only helps Chlorella grow rapidly but also aids in the rapid growth and regeneration of cells.

  • Antioxidants, beta-carotene, and the highest concentration of nucleic acid.

Health benefits of chlorella


  • Detoxification: Chlorella acts as a natural detoxifier, helping to remove heavy metals and toxins from the body, which is especially beneficial in today’s polluted environment.

  • Immune System Support: Chlorella is rich in substances that support the immune system, making it easier for your body to fight off illnesses.

  • Improved Digestion: With its high fiber content, Chlorella promotes healthy digestion and the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, helping to prevent constipation and maintain a healthy gut microbiome.

  • Support for Regeneration and Growth: The high protein content and essential amino acids in Chlorella aid in muscle recovery and tissue growth, making it particularly beneficial for athletes and physically active individuals.

  • Blood Pressure Improvement: Some studies suggest that Chlorella helps lower levels of bad cholesterol and blood pressure, contributing to better heart health.

  • Antioxidant Effects: As a potent antioxidant, Chlorella protects your cells from damage, helping to fight aging and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.



The dosage of Chlorella can vary depending on your individual needs, health condition, and the specific product you are using. General recommendations include:

  • Initial Step: Start with a smaller dose, around one to two grams per day, and gradually increase the dose.

  • Optimal Dose: Most Chlorella users take about three to five grams per day, which usually corresponds to about 3 to 5 tablets or 1 to 2 teaspoons of powder. Chlorella should ideally be taken 15 to 30 minutes before meals, and it is important to drink plenty of water with it. It is recommended to increase fluid intake during use.

An interesting fact about Chlorella is its digestibility, which differs from its relative, Spirulina. Chlorella has a strong cell wall, which is indigestible cellulose for humans. This means that Chlorella's cell wall must be broken before consumption to ensure that Chlorella can be fully utilized by the human body.

Side Effects

Although this superfood has many beneficial properties, it is also important to mention that it is not suitable for everyone.

People with venous system disorders, autoimmune diseases, those taking immunosuppressants or blood thinners, as well as patients who have undergone organ transplants and those suffering from hyperthyroidism or chronic inflammation of the digestive tract should avoid Chlorella.