What is Spirulina and why take it?

If you have ever been interested in superfoods, you have surely come across spirulina. It is an often overlooked or misunderstood green food that offers a vast array of health benefits. Are you curious about what makes it so special? What makes it such an exceptional dietary supplement?

What is spirulina?

Let’s first clarify what spirulina actually is. Spirulina is a blue-green freshwater alga, also known as a microalga, that can grow in both freshwater and saltwater. It is naturally consumed by both humans and animals directly from the water where it grows. As mentioned earlier, it is a microalga that naturally grows in lakes and ponds. But what makes it so exceptional? It’s the high content of minerals and vitamins. Thousands of years ago, ancient civilizations, such as the Aztecs, consumed it as a source of nutrition and energy. Today, it is available in the form of powder or tablets and is valued for its high content of vitamins, minerals, and proteins.

Why take spirulina?

Let’s look at a few reasons why you should include spirulina in your daily routine:

 Rich source of protein

One important aspect to mention is its protein content. Spirulina contains up to 60–70% protein, making it an excellent dietary supplement for vegetarians, vegans, and athletes. Additionally, it contains all nine essential amino acids that the body needs. If you are looking for a natural alternative to protein shakes or simply want to increase your protein intake, spirulina is an ideal choice.

 Immune system support

Spirulina is packed with antioxidants, such as phycocyanin, which helps fight inflammation and protects cells from damage. This is due to its high content of polysaccharides along with natural pigments and phycocyanin. All of these elements support the production of white blood cells, which are responsible for protecting your body against viruses and various bacteria. This helps enhance your resistance to infections.

 Body detoxification

Spirulina may help remove heavy metals from the body and support the natural detoxification of the liver.

Detoxification is also linked to another alga similar to spirulina – chlorella. Are you interested in the difference between these two algae? Read our previous article: Chlorella vs. Spirulina

 More energy and better mood

It contains B vitamins, iron, and magnesium, which help reduce fatigue and support the proper functioning of the nervous system. Additionally, studies have shown that spirulina can also alleviate symptoms of various allergies, such as pollen or dust allergies.

 Heart Health and Cholesterol Regulation

Studies show that regular consumption of spirulina may help reduce levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol and thus improve overall heart health.

 Digestive Support and Gut Microbiome

Thanks to its content of fiber and probiotic compounds, spirulina supports a healthy gut microbiome and better digestion.

How to Use Spirulina?

It is most commonly found in the form of powder or tablets. You can add it to smoothies, juice, soups, or simply mix it with water. Its use is highly flexible, allowing you to get creative and find what works best for you. Start with a small amount (for example, 1/2 teaspoon of powder daily) and gradually increase the dose as needed.

Does Spirulina Have Side Effects?

In most cases, spirulina is safe, but people with autoimmune diseases or seafood allergies should use it with caution. It is also essential to choose high-quality spirulina from verified sources to ensure it does not contain heavy metals or toxins.

Spirulina is a natural treasure full of nutrients that can support your immune system, improve digestion, boost energy, and aid in detoxification. If you're looking for a simple way to enhance your health, spirulina can be a great addition to your diet.

Have you tried spirulina yet?