What is technical hemp?

Technical hemp, also known as industrial hemp, is a fascinating plant that offers many practical applications. What does this mean and what is hidden under the name "technical hemp"?

What is Technical Hemp?

First, let's clarify what technical hemp actually means. Technical hemp is defined as hemp with a THC content of up to 1%. Interestingly, until 2021, this limit was set at 0.3% THC. This limit is established in the Czech Republic and may vary in other countries. However, if we adhere to the 1% limit, it is crucial that the harvested hemp does not exceed 1% THC. Technical hemp is primarily an agricultural crop grown mainly for industrial purposes.

Characteristics of Technical Hemp

Key points about technical hemp include:

  • Low THC Content: As mentioned, technical hemp has a legally set THC limit and thus contains less THC. THC is the psychoactive component responsible for the "high" effects of marijuana. However, this topic, i.e., the difference between cannabis and marijuana, has already been addressed in a previous article.

  • High CBD Content: It has been proven that technical hemp, on the other hand, contains higher amounts of cannabidiol (CBD), which has several potential medical benefits and properties and does not contain a psychoactive component.

Environmental Benefits

An enormous advantage of technical hemp is its minimal environmental impact. Technical hemp is considered an environmentally friendly plant for several reasons:

  • Fast Growth: Technical hemp grows faster than many other crops, which means it can be harvested multiple times a year.

  • Minimal Need for Chemicals: One of the eco-friendly aspects is the fact that almost no pesticides or herbicides are needed, which harm the entire ecosystem.

  • Soil Regeneration: Additionally, technical hemp can improve the quality of the soil in which it grows and can even remove certain toxins from it.

Uses of Technical Hemp

Technical hemp is versatile and can be used in several different fields. Whether it is the production of food, cosmetics, or even as an alternative form of heating and building insulation, technical hemp plays its role in the food industry, agriculture, construction, textile industry, cosmetics, and other fields. In short, new ways are constantly being sought to process and utilize the entire plant to the maximum.

Medical Field

As mentioned, technical hemp is used in various fields, including healthcare. In this field, we can encounter CBD products with potential medicinal effects, which are also part of various dietary supplements.

Growing Technical Hemp

If you are considering growing technical hemp, the good news is that you can grow as much as you want. However, if you sow an area larger than 100 m², you are obliged to report this to the relevant customs authority. It is necessary to report both the sowing and the harvest. It is also important to ensure that the hemp remains under the established limit of 1% THC in the Czech Republic, thus being legally recognized as technical hemp.

Technical hemp is undoubtedly a plant for the future. Its wide range of uses and environmental benefits make it an excellent choice for sustainable and healthy solutions in various areas of our lives.