What's Mad Honey? The history of hallucinogens from Nepal

Nepali Mad Honey, also known as "mad honey" or "hallucinogenic honey," is a unique type of honey originating from the mountainous regions of Nepal and Turkey. Mad honey is known for its psychoactive effects as well as its medicinal properties.

Why the Name Mad Honey?

Mad Honey earned its name mainly because of its unusual effects on humans. When consumers ingest this honey, it can cause states similar to madness due to its hallucinogenic effects.

It all starts with the beautiful but dangerous rhododendron flowers that grow high in the mountains. These flowers contain grayanotoxins, substances that can cause hallucinogenic and toxic effects.

The bees, often referred to as Himalayan giant bees, collect nectar from these rhododendrons growing high in the mountains of Nepal. When the bees collect nectar from these plants, the neurotoxins called grayanotoxins are transferred into the honey. The Himalayan bees fly from flower to flower, carrying these toxins with them and then converting the nectar into honey in the hive. During this natural process, the grayanotoxins remain in the honey, creating the aforementioned mad honey.

Everything is natural and relatively simple until it comes to the harvest. As mentioned earlier, Nepali Mad Honey is found in mountainous areas, more than 2,500 meters above sea level. Harvesting this honey is an adventure in itself. Honey gatherers, or "honey hunters," in Nepal are forced to climb steep cliffs using rope ladders to reach the hives. This is a dangerous task that requires courage and great skill. Typically, the collection of this unique honey becomes a family tradition passed down from father to son and then to the next generation.

History and Use in Nepal

In the Nepalese mountains, Mad Honey has been known for centuries. Local residents primarily use it in traditional medicine. They believe that in small doses, mad honey can work wonders. In smaller doses, it can help with pains such as arthritis treatment, high blood pressure, and even support sexual potency.

Mad honey also holds religious significance in some communities. It is used in small amounts in various rituals and celebrations.

However, Mad Honey does not only have medicinal abilities but also has darker aspects of its history. Historically, it was sometimes used as a poison for enemies and served as a secret weapon during battles.


Mad Honey has several effects on the human body caused by the presence of grayanotoxins. These effects largely depend on the amount of honey consumed and the individual's tolerance. The main effects of this unique honey are:

  • Hallucinogenic Effects: Hallucinations are one of the most well-known effects of this honey. Especially the consumption of larger amounts of mad honey can cause a person to see, hear, or feel things that are not real.

  • Medicinal Effects: These medicinal effects manifest only in small doses. They can be both analgesic and anti-inflammatory, and can help with various ailments. Some people use Mad Honey to regulate blood pressure. In some cultures, mad honey is considered a natural aphrodisiac that can increase sexual performance.

Side Effects

  • Dizziness and Confusion: Along with hallucinations, dizziness or disorientation may also occur. These symptoms can be very intense and last for several hours.

  • Nausea: The use of this honey can lead to nausea and vomiting. This is a natural reaction of the body to the toxins contained in mad honey.

  • Fatigue and Weakness: At higher doses, the user may experience extreme weakness and fatigue. This is associated with difficulty walking or maintaining balance.

  • Bradycardia: Another unwanted effect that can occur is the slowing of the heart rate, known as bradycardia. This condition can be particularly dangerous for people with heart problems.

Mad Honey Today

Mad honey is currently an attractive tourist attraction for those seeking exotic and unique experiences. "Honey hunters" often lead tourists on expeditions where they can watch the honey gathering process from high cliffs. Observing this process is fascinating and sometimes a bit terrifying.

The collection of honey is still carried out using traditional methods, which include climbing steep cliffs with rope ladders. However, the height is not the only thing honey gatherers need to be cautious of. The bees that produce Mad Honey are aggressive by nature and are specific in their defensive behavior. Therefore, this process is extremely dangerous, not just because of the heights.